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Welcome to The Laboratory for Biomembranes and Transport in Drug Delivery


Our goal is to understand the intermolecular and interfacial interactions of materials, and particularly of self-assembling materials, with the biological milieu, and to combine this knowledge with engineering principles to design successful devices to promote human health. Translational research on testing and optimization of these devices as diagnostics and therapeutics for medical applications is of special significance to our work.


Our research is focused on  investigating heterogeneous lipid bilayers with a threefold goal: (I) to contribute to the fundamental understanding of the molecular and supramolecular interactions in heterogeneous lipid membranes, of how these interactions affect collective properties of heterogeneous bilayers, and of how these interactions result in assembling materials with interesting properties, (II) to engineer devices/strategies based on these materials that can be tuned to perform specific tasks, and (III) to translate and optimize these devices in the form of lipid-based nanoparticles as carriers of diagnostics and therapeutics for medical applications with special focus on cancer.


Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
 Johns Hopkins University
3400 North Charles Street

Croft Hall B20
Baltimore, MD 21218

©2017 By Prasad. All rights reserved. 

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